Innovative software for hostels

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Innovative software for hostels
Dodane: 2015-09-14 Kategoria: Internet Software / Oprogramowanie is a corporation that has a vast experience in creating hostel management applications. Its first attempt to conquer the market of software for hostel originated in 2005. The company co-founder launched an innovative product. It was property Management System called HostelPower. Despite the outstanding quality of the product, the application was used only in limited number of hostels. In 2011 the project was revived and supported with strong promotion. New version of the application - HotelSystem enjoyed a great market success. Owing to its unique features, this software for hostel is constantly gaining more and more users. It has aesthetic and intuitive booking view as well as simple reservation editing. It is also a practical tool for hostel proprietor because it enables to monitor the cash flow in his hostel.

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Innovative software for hostels
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